Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Operation Ant Destruction or Rescue?

If you ask Daddy and Mommy it's destruction. If you ask Katie it's rescue. We just want to get rid of the ants. Vacuuming them up or sweeping them up and throwing them in the garbage or sink. But Katie wants to put them back outside because "they're cute". This morning I found her with a bunch of ants that she had put in the back of her little toy truck. I was wondering where she was getting all the ants from because we had gotten rid of most of them from the kitchen. Come to find out they have invaded our family room too. Why you may ask? Unseen crumbs on the side of the couch and behind the couch. They were even going for crumbs under the couch. So I took the hand vacuum and vacuumed the ants and crumbs up and dumped most of them outside (for Katie's benefit) and some in the garbage or sink. Hopefully they will stay out of the family room since I vacuumed up all the crumbs. We're trying the cornmeal idea in the kitchen, hopefully we won't have to do it in the family room too.


Curtis and Deedra said...

Nikki used to like playing with ants but now she helps me vacuum them up. And now she's helping me put cornmeal down for them to kill them. I hope it works for you! And at least it is safe for kids.

Jill and Scott said...

Good Luck! Having ants in the house is a real pain!

Heather said...

we had a massive ant problem at our last apartment! I also call it destruction- hate those buggers. And I thought I kept a clean house! Clearly I wasn't getting all the crumbs! Arg. Good luck.......