Sunday, September 25, 2011

All about feet

Katie is always taking pictures of abstract things. She takes pictures of some things like her toys or objects around the room. She is always taking pictures of things really close up like a plastic bottle, or a crumb in a bowl. I’ve even seen her twirl and take a picture while she’s twirling. She likes to take close up shots of people too, like my arm or a nice close up shot of someone’s face. Well, this time she took a picture of her feet and it turned out so cute! Here it is:

Well here’s another story about feet that’s not so cute. In July I ran into a step ladder we keep in our kitchen and bruised up my toe and foot. It was swollen for a few days and it hurt for several weeks. This is what it looked like a day or two after it happened:

Well, I did it again last Sunday, but this time it was my pinky toe on the other foot. And this time it was worse and hurt a lot more. It especially hurt to wear shoes. It was still hurting quite a bit by Wednesday and still quite swollen so I went to the doctor and they took x-rays. He said it wasn’t broken but just badly jammed and sprained. He said I would need to keep off it as much as possible and keep ice on it till the swelling was gone, wear open or loose fitting shoes that give me support, and not do a lot of jumping or bouncing (bummer for me cause I do aerobics). Well today I got a call from the doctor who said that the radiologist had reviewed my x-rays and did find a small fracture in my little toe. He said the treatment is the same but fractures take a bit longer to heal and would probably hurt for about 3 or 4 weeks. Here’s a picture of this injury taken on Wednesday, the day I went to the doctor:

My toe/foot is doing a little better now. The bruising is fading, it’s still swollen, but the swelling is less. It still hurts quite a bit. It doesn’t hurt as bad if I walk barefoot at home, unless I walk around too much, then it really starts to throb. But sometimes it throbs even if I haven't been walking around much too. It kills to wear shoes, unless I wear my sandals – then it’s not as bad.

Here’s a picture of the demon ladder:

I use the ladder all the time to reach things in cupboards and for the kids to wash their hands. I would always set the ladder in the middle of the room out of the way (or so I thought), while I wasn’t using it. So, I decided I needed to replace our kitchen ladder with a nice small stool.

Here’s what we use now:

Ahhh – nice and small. And if I happen to run into this stool – hopefully it will just get scooted across the room a bit. I keep this stool along the edges of the kitchen or in the pantry. Now I only get the step ladder out if I need to reach something up really high in the pantry and I immediately put it away again when I’m done.

Live and learn I guess. (I think I’m accident prone - I fell down the stairs in August. I hit my head pretty hard and threw several things out in my neck and back. Thank goodness my chiropractor got me all fixed up. Maybe I just need to slow down a bit).


Vernie and Tony said...

Katie's is darling but your's .....OUCH!! That looks so sore!! I can relate cuz I know how bad mine hurt when I broke my toe on our honeymoon!! That is so painful!!
Hope your feeling better soon!

ChrisandTamara said...

I didn't know you broke your toe on your honeymoon. Ouch!


Curtis and Deedra said...

I agree with Mom. Katie's are adorable feet! And ouch for yours! I must have missed you telling me that the doc looked at the x ray and saw a little fracture. Hope it heals quickly!

Unknown said...

Holy cow, I should've checked out this post a lot earlier! I'm so sorry to hear you actually had a fracture - ouch!!! You must be feeling better now, but you're always welcome to go barefoot around our place, LOL... and way to go with the littler, harmless step stool! :)