Monday, March 16, 2015

Fall/Winter 2014

We went to the corn maze with Deedra and Curtis and their kids, and Katie's friend.  It was a lot of fun!  Katie was too excited to go play and didn't want to stop and pose for pictures.  Notice the anxious smiles.  :-)

The kids loved the tractor carts!

On the wagon ride.

All the kid's favorite was playing in the corn box.

Katie and I made a diorama for a class project.  Her topic was coyotes.

Katie and her friend and I painted these.

Church Halloween party and trunk or treat.  Howdy!

Aaaaaa!  It's bigfoot!

Time for trick or treating.

We went with our neighbors.

Katie loves the snow!  When we had a really big snowstorm, Katie drew a picture of what she wanted to build in the snow.  Katie and Mommy built it the next day.

Katie was making some funny faces while we were taking pictures.
Katie and Daddy also built these snow people.  A dad, mom, and child.

Katie really wanted to make a gingerbread house this year.  But when she saw the train kit she wanted that instead.

Katie also had a school project where she had to choose a fairy tale and make a book jacket for the story.  She chose the Gingerbread Man.

Thanksgiving family photo!

Christmas morning.  Chris and Katie picked out this wind chime for me.  I love it!

Daddy loves his Bronco shirts!  Katie also picked out a little broncos football to hang from his rear view mirror in his truck.

Katie loves La La Loopsey dolls.  She also got some accessories for her My Life doll.

And Hello Kitty!

Hello Kitty matching ear rings and necklace.

Katie actually cried when she opened this present.  She wanted a tablet really bad.

I found this picture from Katie's kindergarten class.  They took these pictures at the end of the school year as part of graduation.  She has changed her mind several times since then about what she wants to be when she grows up.  One of them includes being an artist.  She loves anything artsy. 


Laverne said...

Great Pictures! It feels good to catch up huh? Can't wait to see pictures from our trip to Oregon this summer!!

ChrisandTamara said...

Yah! Sure does! Can't wait for our trip too!