Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Katelynn's 1st ER visit

Well, I guess it would happen sooner or later. Katelynn had her 1st ER visit on Monday. Mommy was getting ready to iron a shirt and Katie reached up to grab the iron and burned herself pretty good. Dad and Mom were quite frantic (and so was Katelynn). We called her clinic and spoke to a nurse who said we needed to first soak her hand in cool water to sooth the burning (she said not to use ice because that would freeze her hand) and then, because of the size and amount of blistering of her burn, said we needed to take her to the ER. So we quickly loaded up in the car. Daddy drove to the hospital while Mommy sat in the back and tried to comfort Katie, while trying not to cry herself. Thankfully we were able to get right in to see a doctor. She has 1st and 2nd degree burns on her hand in the thumb and palm area. Katelynn felt much better after the nurse put burn medication on and wrapped her hand up. Had to give her pain medication throughout the night and yesterday. She was playing more again the next day but wanted to be held a lot more. She had her follow up visit today. The burn is doing well – pretty blistered up still, but the redness has gone down. She got a new pink bandage and of course a lollipop. So moral of the story … remember to keep your kids far away from hot irons!


Unknown said...

Glad Katie's follow-up appointment went well! How'd yours go? And such a pretty pink bandage! Can't beat that, for everything else going on, eh? :-) Hope you all feel better soon!!!

Stillman and Michelle said...

Hey that story sounds familiar. When Alex was Katies age. He burned his hand on the clothes iron which I thought was secured behind a closed door. He got to wear a blue cast. I tried to send you a picture, but for some reason my hotmail account won't let me. His hand healed great with little scaring. Was it on her palm? If so make sure you dress it correctly and use the cream or the hand can heal in a somewhat closed position.
Just a warning, we went to the ER three times that year, 2 is a very dangerous year. Feel better soon.

ChrisandTamara said...

Yikes! 3 times! The nurse gave us big bandages and cream and more of that pink wrap.

Unknown said...

Oh - another solution would be just never to iron anything ;-). Works pretty well for us! ;-)

Stillman and Michelle said...

Yeah me too, I buy the dewrinkler spray. I love it. the dryer and a wet wash cloth work good too.

Anonymous said...

We hope Katie's hand gets better. Parker did the same thing with my curling iron about a year ago. He luckily did not scar. Katie is so cute!

Heather said...

OUCH! Yep, it has to happen sooner or later- the dreaded ER trip. Well, glad to hear she is ok and healing :0)

Jeremy and Brigitte said...

Oh does it really have to happen sooner or later? :(

CPTA said...

Well I have to say that I've been there! Only I burned a good part of my right middle and ring finger. I don't quite remember what happened after that, but I don't think I ended up in the ER. I'm glad she's feeling better.