Thursday, July 3, 2008

Lunchtime at the park

We've been taking the kids to the park for the lunch program and here's where all the kids ended up on a hot day. They're in Melissa's van watching a movie, while all the mommies are sitting in the shade of a tree.

Here's another day - not as hot, but still too hot to play on the playground. So the kids had fun getting rides from Deedra and Tamara on Deedra's bicycle. Boy you gotta have muscles to tote that many kids around. Deedra handled it much better than I did. And I was only toting 2 at a time. Whew!


Nicowhit said...

How funny are those kids.

Heather said...

That is so funny. No matter how hot I am, my kids can't be torn away from the playground. I would be in the van watching, if someone else watched my kiddos:)

Curtis and Deedra said...

if it wasn't so hot already I'd keep wanting to ride my bike but i'm glad I did it while I could

it was fun giving the kids a ride