Sunday, June 22, 2008

Father's Day

We had a great Father's Day last weekend! We went to Chris' parent's house first where Katelynn saw kittens for the first time. She's seen big cats but never kittens. She absolutely loved them! (Check out her expression in the 1st pic on the slide show - if you missed it, go out of our blog and come back into it, to start the slideshow over). She kept chasing them around the house. Then we went over to Tamara's parent's house for dinner with the family. We had Hawaiian Haystacks for dinner which was very good and then had Strawberry Whipped Sensation for dessert - delicious! We enjoyed being outside and got a game of hot frisbee going too. Check out our slideshow. (Move mouse arrow over each picture to see picture captions).


Heather said...

I agree - kittens are cute! But I am allergic :0( It's ok- I would want it to stay a kitten forever! Once it became a cat I would be like, "next!"