Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Katelynn learned how to say excuse me today. It was so cute. I was reaching low into the pantry to get something out and Katie bumped into me while she was trying to get past me and she says "scuseme". So cute! She has several sentences she can say. They are always run together. One of her other run-on sentences: "Idon'twantthat" - usually referring to vegetables (or any other kind of food she doesn't want), as she proceeds to chuck them off her plate onto the kitchen table or the floor, and sometimes behind her booster seat.


Stillman and Michelle said...

I think you mean pantRy.

Heather said...

ah toddler talk is so cute! well, at least she is polite :0) maybe she can start to add scusme to her dislike of veggies- it will be, "scuse me idon'twant that."

ChrisandTamara said...

Oops! I fixed it. Definitely pantry.

Unknown said...

What a good thing to learn!!! :-) Hope Kiddo learns that soon! ;-)

Vernie and Tony said...

You need to write down the cute things she says because one day you will forget (seriously) and you'll wish you had. I started doing that with my kids because I found that after a few years the ole mind left and I knew they said something cute but forgot what it was.