Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Are spiders cute?

According to Katelynn they are. She saw a spider on the ceiling in her room and pointed up to it and started saying "cute, cute". Any kind of animal to her is cute. The only spiders I find cute are the ones on Charlotte's web.


Heather said...

Emma claimed that he Daddy is going to be a Dr. for frogs and snakes. I am so happy that Shawn just laughed that off and said there is no way...
Emma and Katie could really get along well with their like for animals.

Unknown said...

LOL! Kiddo's kind of at the opposite end of the spectrum - he likes to point out how "Daddy find yucky bug." "Squish yucky spider." Once we're able to see & teach about some friendlier bugs, I'm hoping that will moderate! ;-)

Vernie and Tony said...

Yeah, when I was playing with her in GG's yard the other night, we were finding spiders and she kept trying to pick them up. I was saying yuck and she was saying cute! LOL

ChrisandTamara said...

Yuck and scary! I hope her like for animals doesn't get her bit or poisoned!

Jeremy and Brigitte said...

Hey if you look on my blog I have an old roomate named Heather and she has a video a few posts down of her daughter talking about the black widow spider she has befrended that lives in thier garage. You should check it out. I THink she is the same age as Katy.

Heather said...

well let's see what she thinks of them in a few years. although i never recall thinking they were ever cute. they are disgusting to me- i hate them with a passion!