Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bats and bows

Today Katie and I went to the dollar store and Wal-Mart. I couldn't resist getting Katelynn some dress-up clothes. Check out her new hat, purse and shoes. The shoes had bows on them but she ripped them off already - I think she thought they were tags and not supposed to be there. But she loves them!

I also got this pinata for our family halloween party we'll be having. In honor of our theme: KISS (keep it simple stupid), I opted to buy the pinata rather than make it.

It's almost as big as Katelynn!

Katie had fun helping us stuff it with goodies. She also had fun pointing out his eyes, nose and mouth to me.


Unknown said...

Cute!!! Love how kids "customize" their clothes, too! :-)

Stillman and Michelle said...

Oh how cute I hope she's okay when we start smashing it. She looks a little attached.

Heather said...

Making the bat would not have been keeping with in your theme. You made the right choice to buy it. Katie is so cute. Emma loves dress up clothes also, but I an not all that fond of it anymore...I find her dress up clothes EVERYWHERE!

Vernie and Tony said...

I remember my mom buying me those plastic dressup heels but I was always too fat and the heels busted off! Story of my life!! Katie looks adorable and like Michelle said, pretty attached to the bat.

liv said...

she's so cute!!! and getting so big, whoa.