Friday, December 5, 2008

Tis the Season

Here are some pics of us decorating the tree last weekend. Katie got to help this year and she was really excited. Every time she sees the lights turned off she insists they must be on. Even if we are leaving the house - and I insist they need to be off when we're gone and we can turn them back on when we get back. She'll sneek back to the light switch and turn the tree back on when I'm not looking. I have to double check to make sure it is off right before we head out. We usually put candycanes on the tree every year - we did again this year but Katelynn kept swiping them off the tree and eating them. Time outs and going to her room didn't work - so I took them all off and put them in the pantry.

She loves to lay under the tree and look at the lights.

So do Mommy and Daddy!


Jill and Scott said...

Very nice! I love decorating the tree as a family!

Curtis and Deedra said...

Looks like she had fun. Nikki wants to put candycanes on our tree but I think Garrett would probably try to eat them too.

Vernie and Tony said...

I have to admit....I'm like Katie when it comes to lighting the tree. I want them on all the time. As soon as I get home....on they go! Your tree looks good!

Nicowhit said...

One of my favorite things as a kid was to lay under the trees and look at the lights. In fact, just last night when I was gazing at the tree - knowing it will be taken down in a couple of days- I was thinking back to all the times I used to do that. She is a girl after my own heart.