Never heard of Locks of Love?
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Here's some info from the website:
Who We Service
Our recipients are financially disadvantaged children, age 18 and under, suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. Most of our children suffer from an autoimmune disorder called alopecia areata, which causes the hair follicles to shut down. In addition to the loss of scalp hair, many also lose their eyelashes, eyebrows and all body hair. This hair loss is permanent in most cases, and there is no known cause or cure. Other recipients have been victim to severe burns, endured radiation treatment to the brain stem as a treatment for cancer, or suffer from any number of skin disorders that cause permanent hair loss.
Why We Are Needed
There are several problems facing children who suffer long-term medical hair loss. Most wigs sold by retailers are made to fit adult heads, and are much too big for children to wear. They often require the use of tape or glue to keep them from falling off, and these adhesives can burn or irritate the scalp. Often, the styles of adult wigs are not age-appropriate and synthetic wigs can mat and frizz with excessive styling.
The hair prosthetics Locks of Love provides are custom-made from donated ponytails for each child’s head. They retail between $3,500 to $6,000. The hairpiece forms a vacuum seal, like a suction cup, and does not require the use of tape or glue. Only the wearer of the hairpiece may remove it, by breaking the vacuum seal at the temples. Children can dismiss insecurities about classmates pulling off their hairpiece, or losing it at recess. They can swim, shower and do gymnastics – in short, they can be kids again. Each hairpiece is made from real human hair, and arrives long, so the recipient may style it to fit their face.
I did that too! 14 inches right before I left for the military! It felt so too! I love the new do! It looks very pretty! Fits you!
Good for you. That is awesome. I always wanted to do that, but I could never get my hair long enough before I chopped it off again! The new cut is cute, and will be great for warm weather. A change is always nice and refreshing!
Very proud of you! What a great thing to do. I know someone will benefit greatly from your beautiful hair!
I was wondering if you were going to do that. looks good!
That's AWESOME!!! :-) And such a cute cut! :-) Enjoy your new 'do! :-)
Hey good for you! I saw that on the news the other day and I thought "Hey I should do that" then I realized that my hair isn't long enough. Maybe someday.
What a wonderful thing to do! I wish I would have thought of that before I cut all my hair off! The new do is cute!
Wow! You did it! I was wondering when you were going to get it cut for locks of love. Your hair cut looks good!
I'm growing my hair out so maybe i'll cut it for locks of love too when it's long enough.
I have donated my hair 3 times...I am wondering when my next time will be. Your cut looks great! Did you have a bit of adjustment?
I'm still trying to hold or push my hair back when I don't need to. He he. And I'm trying to get used to how to style it.
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