Sunday, August 17, 2008

Out of the loop

Hi all. I'm back! I've been out of the loop for about 2 weeks for two reasons: 1st: I've been reading the Twilight series - just finished the 4th book on Friday! Whew! I couldn't put them down. Very much enjoyed them. Though I tend to view it as one big long story since I read them all back to back. A great love story filled with excitement, and twists and turns. But wow were they long books. And I can't stand it when a story is unfinished - so I just kept reading and reading right through them all. 2nd: I didn't know I was having a problem with my computer. I kept checking blogs every couple of days but there was never anything new since August 1st showing on your blogs. I knew there must be something wrong because I couldn't imagine no one posting anything new for over 2 weeks. But I was so into the Twilight books I just didn't have time to investigate and I put it on the back burner. So today we finally got it figured out - well Chris did - and now I'm back in the loop. I missed so much! It's taking me a while to go back and read everyone's posts that I missed. Check out my post below of our 11-year Anniversary that we celebrated yesterday!


Curtis and Deedra said...

Glad you're back in the loop! Those books were good weren't they!

Unknown said...

Oh wow - I can kind of relate, but my "outage" has only been for two days, LOL - I've been DYING while we've been redoing this computer!!! Glad to see ya back! :-)