Saturday, September 13, 2008

Katie learning to brush her teeth

Katie's learning how to brush her teeth. She sure likes it a lot better than Mommy or Daddy brushing her teeth. Now she insists on brushing her own teeth.


Curtis and Deedra said...

That's great! I always brush Garrett's first and then let him do it. He loves to brush his teeth!

Heather said...

Emma loves to brush her own teeth. We have a training tooth paste~ the kind you don't have to spit out, and then one that you have to spit out. Emma loves to spit too...which I have caught her doing in various locations. I have learned though, that with brushing on her own.. I have to follow up. I am sure kids at her age, are just not able to get everywhere, then there becomes a yucky yellow around the gums... Beware!
Yea for Katie finding some very good independence!

ChrisandTamara said...

Yah - I grab a hold of the end and steer her. I think I'll have to do what Deedra does and brush them first and let her brush them. I want to make sure her teeth are well taken care of. It'll be a struggle - she grabs the toothbrush and says "I Do It" and crys/whines when I try to take it back. But I'm used to a struggle with brushing her teeth - she has always put up a fight against getting her teeth brushed.

Vernie and Tony said...

Hang in there. Dental hygine is soooo important! Healthy teeth, happy babies! Dentist appointments can be so tramatic for little ones if it's a bad tooth so take care of them when their little.

The Norton Fam! said...

Hehe, too cute! And what a great habit to start!

Unknown said...

So cute! Maybe I should try the "taking turns" approach again... Kiddo won't let me TOUCH his teeth most of the time. But he does try really hard to get his "EEE" teeth and his "AAAH" teeth, LOL! And he loves to brush Mommy's teeth - it just ends up with my toothpaste & stuff being drooled all over my front while he smiles, which closes his mouth, LOL... oy.