Friday, March 19, 2010

Katie's new helmet

We went to story time at the library on Wednesday and all the kids got free helmets from St. Luke's. The ladies were very nice and fitted the helmets to their heads too. Katie's has plants and ladybugs, butterflies and flowers on it. Here she is riding her cousin Nikki's scooter last night.


Curtis and Deedra said...

That's neat that they gave out free helmets. Garrett got his free last year at the NICU party but it was only for kids who were actually hospitalized. So Nikki and Jack did not get one but luckily they already have one. And I had almost bought one for Garrett for his birthday. It was just a couple of weeks later that he got that one.

Vernie and Tony said...

Awesome! I love free things! Especially free things that save you a bundle! YAY!