Sunday, December 21, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Tis the Season
Posted by ChrisandTamara at 12:05 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Help me teddy
The other night Katie and I were in her room singing bed time songs. She spotted what she thought was Daddy's feet under the closed door. She soon discovered that it was actually a blanket. So she started pulling the blanket under the door. She was yanking with all her might. Then she says: "I need help", turns around and spots her teddy. She brings teddy over to the door and uses his paws to help her pull on the blanket. She soon discovers that teddy's no help and chucks her to the side. Then she resumes yanking on the blanket till it finally all slides under the door. Ahhh - triumph! (Mommy laughing all the while - at least when she grabbed her teddy to help - don't worry I would've helped her if she didn't get it soon).
Posted by ChrisandTamara at 12:14 PM 3 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Inexpensive fun
Posted by ChrisandTamara at 3:01 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
"Tea Party"
This was a good party for Katie - she just loves to dress up. The whole morning before the party she knew we were going and kept saying: "party", "party". I'd say "not yet", not till this afternoon. She was so excited when it was finally time to go.
We also decorated our hats. (This party was a couple of weeks ago - the weather was perfect).
All the kids got ring pops. She loved it! They also served Raspberry lemonade, chicken salad or PB & J sandwiches, coffee cake squares, apple pies and birthday cake. Yummy!
Posted by ChrisandTamara at 6:50 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Posted by ChrisandTamara at 9:59 AM 2 comments
Friday, October 31, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Our Pumpkins
And here's all three of our pumpkins:
Posted by ChrisandTamara at 6:58 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Fun at the Farm
Last weekend we went to a corn maze. They had lots of fun things to do. We went in the longest maze: 3.4 miles and got through it in approximately a half hour - whew! Then we hitched a hay ride to the pumpkin patch and we each picked a pumpkin. Hitched another hay ride back to the barn where we paid for our pumpkins and Chris took them to the car. Then we met up with Stillman, Michelle, Alex and Jayden and hitched yet another hay ride over to the petting zoo. They had animals like goats, ponies, camels and oxen. Katie's favorite were the ponies. Then we had another hayride back to the pumpkin patch so Alex could pick out a pumpkin (by this time it was dark so it got a little difficult). We found the smallest one we could find (Alex insisted on a small pumpkin). And then a final hayride back to the barn (where Alex traded his pumpkin in for a small gord - just right for him to carry around). After that the kids hopped on the Cow Train for a ride, which they loved! And last of all homemade donuts and yummy nachos! MMMMMM good! We had a great time! Check out our slide show!
Posted by ChrisandTamara at 4:11 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Bats and bows
Posted by ChrisandTamara at 6:47 PM 5 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Marshmallow fun
Today after church we gave Katelynn some marshmallows to snack on while we got lunch ready. She lined them up on the floor and started to jump over them. Had to get a video of it - so cute! Whenever she knocked her marshmallows accidently, she would carefully line them back up again.
Posted by ChrisandTamara at 2:44 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
The Last Political Post
Well, it's been fun adding these political posts to this blog. However, I am finished talking politics on our family blog. I apologize if anyone was offended. My intention was not to create a rift within the family or the friendships we have with you. My hope was to provide an additional view point regarding a particular candidate. I hope you will all feel comfortable visiting our blog in the future. Talking to people on both side of the political isle can be kind of like talking to an Idaho Vandal fan about how good the Boise State Broncos are in football; it can get very ugly (as many of you can attest!). In closing this political post, I do have one request though, and that is you pray about each candidate, and follow the direction provided by the Spirit. There are many people who say that we should leave religion out of political decisions (this is not in reference to just one individual's statement) – However, this could not be further from the truth. We should not let our pride get in the way of getting on our knees and praying for inspiration and guidance in the decisions we make, whether it is about voting or whether it is about other things which impact our lives. May the Lord bless each of you. We love you and hope the best for each of your family's and pray for the best for our beloved Country.
Posted by ChrisandTamara at 5:00 PM 3 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Does anyone own the moon?
Apparently Katelynn does. The other day on the way home she points out the window and says: "My Moon," "My Moon." She has said "moon" and "the moon" before but it was so cute cause she said "My Moon" this time. She gets so excited whenever she sees the moon and wants to make sure that Chris and I or whomever is riding with her at the time sees it too.
Posted by ChrisandTamara at 2:54 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Animated Halloween Cake
Check out this youtube video - this is a cake. (And no I did not make this - I'm not that creative). Isn't it cool! I found while I was googling Halloween cakes.
Posted by ChrisandTamara at 4:33 PM 3 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
You know you have a girl when....
It was fun to read Stillman and Michelle's blog entry: You know you have a boy when.... so here's our version. These are things Katie does:
You know you have a girl when...
1. She wears dresses everyday and throws a fit if you want her to wear pants instead because it's cold outside.
2. She wraps blankets and sheets around herself and wears them like dresses.
3. She loves to play dress-up and even will use daddy's shirts to dress-up in.
4. She tries everybody's shoes on.
5. She wants to put on make-up like mommy.
6. She wants to make her hair look pretty with piggy/pony tails or barrettes (but she always takes them back out shortly after – which makes it hard to want to do her hair).
7. She pushes robots in her toy stroller (along with dolls, bears and other stuff animals).
8. She compliments Mommy and Daddy on their outfits.
9. She asks you if you’re okay after you sneeze, cough or burp (“okay?”).
10. She’s always offering you pretend food as she plays with her kitchen toys.
11. She loves jewelry, especially necklaces.
12. She thinks all animals are cute (even spiders).
13. She kisses the animals and babies in her picture books.
14. She has her pink and purple teddy bears fold their arms to say prayers with us at bedtime and insists you give them a hug and a kiss goodnight too.
Posted by ChrisandTamara at 1:18 PM 4 comments
Scary faces!
Posted by ChrisandTamara at 12:07 PM 3 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
More cute stuff
Today after lunch I give Katelynn a cookie and a glass of milk. I say to her "dip your cookie in your milk." She says "okay" and throws her whole cookie in the milk (I can't help laughing). She fishes it out and drops it on the table and then proceeds to poke at it and say "eww" cause it's all soggy. So funny!
Another cute story: the other day I asked Katelynn if she woud like a little baby brother or sister, like baby Jayden (her cousin). She thinks to herself for a minute and then says "let's go". I ask "go where?" She says: "get baby."
Posted by ChrisandTamara at 2:03 PM 5 comments